Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas Tree
- Natur Baum - natural Tree
- künstlicher Baum - artificial Tree
- großer Baum > 2m - big tree > 10 feet
- Innenraum Baum - indoor tree
- Außenraum Baum - outdoor tree
- kleiner Baum < 2m - small tree |< 10 feet
- mit Wachskerzen - with waxcandles
- mit elektrischem Licht - with electric light
- Kunst/Skulptur - art/sculpture
- Malerei/Grafik - painting/graphic
- Video/Animation - video/animation
- Detail - close up
- ohne Decoration - without decoration
Dekoration - Accessoires
- weisse kugeln - wihte bauble
- gelbe Kugeln - yellow baubles
- rote Kugeln - red baubles
- blaue Kugeln - blue baubles
- orange Kugeln - orange baubles
- hellblaue Kugeln - light blue baubles
- schwarze Kugeln - black baubles
- violette Kugeln - violet baubles
- silberne Kugeln - silver baubles
- goldene Kugeln - golden baubles
- Engel - Angel
- Lametta - Tinsel/Ribbon
- Sterne - Stars
- Süßigkeiten - Sweets
- Figuren - Figures
- Kerzen - Candle
- elektrische Kerzen - electric candles
- ohne - none
- grüne Kugeln - green baubles
- Geschenke - presents
- Lichterkette - light chain
- Lichternetz - lightnet
- Glocken - bells
- Blumen - flowers
- Ornamente - ornaments
- Glas Kugeln - glass baubles
- Schnee - snow
Bezauer Christbaum
Hinzugefügt von witus am 17.08.2011

34846 Aufrufe/Hits
Bezau, Austria
Maße / Größe:
Höhe: 8m, Durchmesser 5m, Gewicht 3 Tonnen

Funny Must have been an outdated map. I never had any real pebolrm with my trusty ol' navigator (Igo8). The only pebolrm is when there are road works but it seems to know good alternative routes. My GPS was so great, that in the UK when we (me + L) went to visit an old castle near Salisbury (51.036343,-2.088999) it took us through the most beautiful English country side we have ever seen. Same happened when we got from France to Switzerland . beautiful scenery But I get what you are saying though. I did miss a few turns sometimes and I do hate to hear Make A U turn Anyway, as the great Gad would say. You need to have GPSs with 4 levels of difficulty:Level 1 : Le GPS il te dirait : Tournez a gauche Pas cela! Celle qui est legearment a gauche. Allez y, vous y etes! Oui vous etes dans la bonne route Oui, ayez confiance, vous pouvez vous y engages! Arretez de stresser pour rien! Turn right! Not that one The one that's a bit to the left. Go ahead, you got it! You are on the right road! Yes, be confident, you can take that one! Stop stressing for nothing Level 2 : Il dirait, comme dans toutes les GPS Tournez a gauche It would say like in all GPSs Turn left Level 3 : Moi j'aurais pas fait comme ca I would have done like thisLevel 4: Devine! Guess!